Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good Deeds

I have a closet need to do good deeds. Sometimes it comes in the form of vounteering at local food kitchen, charity office / clerical work....or along the road (I can change a tire in mere minutes!).

A few days ago, I was pulling in a Target parking lot and noticed a lovely elderly woman wandering the rows. She was obviousily lost...wagon in front, car remote and keys in hand, looking around...for her car.

I was talking to my mom, sitting in my a parking spot for several minutes.

I must have seen this woman 3 more times.

I told ma I had to go, describing the scene...

I approach the woman - I'll call her Mrs. Bluehair. She was a little embarrsed. I told her not to worry, my ma does it all the time. I said "may I show you a trick?" Thankfully she said "yes". I asked for her remote and described a function of the "panic" button. Most older remotes have a red key that says "panic". I told Mrs. Bluehair, that if she's within range of her car and presses that button, her alarm will engage. I also told her the trick of putting remote on her chin to get larger array/spread for remote range. Well, it works with mine...

Anyway - she thanks me and I leave her to continue her search. Yes, I left her. I wasn't going to take her keys from her and look around for her car. We part ways, and I call my ma back.

As ma and I are talking I hear a car alarm, and it's only 100 feet away from me. Mrs. Bluehair is only about 50 feet away. I shout my congratulations, and she shouts "how to I turn it off?". I tell her to press the panic button again, and silence falls over Target.

I notice she's driving a bronse mini-van...and I scan the parking lot. There are 6 bronze mini-vans. That poor woman....

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