Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My first blog....10/24/2005:

movedate 10242005:

Yesterday, worked at townhouse all day. Very productive. Finished putting contact paper on the shelves (thanks Mom for starting that project).

Unpacked the 'dish/pan' box. Painted the pantry; the coffee and tea makers, a hand-held mixer, 3 bags of rice, a bottle of fat-free Jiffy(not sure where that came from), the crock pot and a bottle of Papa Joe's Merlot stock the shelves.

Unpacked the boxes of kitchen stuff and put it all way. I thought I had more crap to load the cabinets, but I don't.....and I like that.

The kitchen has 3 drawers. Unfortunately, the fridge is a bit too big for it's home and sticks out a few inches and prevents one of the drawers from opening all the way. So, this will be the junk drawer.

Due to lack of counter space, I think I'll have to get a counter-top spinny utensil holder thingy. But, it will work. I generally do not like them, but don't have much of a choice. We'll see.

Emptied 3 boxes from the basement. Well, not exactly... I had several cardboard boxes of stuff that I moved into the empty plastic keep the bugs from chewing.

While it doesn't seem like alot, I feel like I got a ton accomplished and am quite happy.

Now, need to get the upstairs electrical fixed (Thursday) and get the dining room stuff out of storage and the bedroom set from mom's.

I had wanted to get the floors done before bringing all that over, but it'll wait.

Highlight this week = bringing Levi (and Nik) over! Going to be cutting some doors tonight to enable me to 'hide' the litterboxes, but still allow easy access for the boys. Fun w/ power tools.

Lowlight = Pete (Alice's dog) had to be put down. While it wasn't my lowlight, Pete was a fun dog.

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